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We are 10 minutes from the village of Haliburton, towards Carnarvon- just off the 118 highway, fronting on Green Lake.

Hours of Operation
Food Hub Hours
7 days/week
Monday – Sunday 10 am – 6 pm

Abbey Gardens
1012 Garden Gate Drive,
K0M 1S0
705.754.GROW (4769)

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We’re always looking for youth interested in making a difference in their community.
Whether you’re looking to volunteer once or get involved with a regular role, we have something for you! Volunteering with us is a great way to gain skills in gardening, ecology, education, and/or livestock care all while gaining your Community Service Hours. Browse the volunteer roles above to find the one that's right for you or check out our Leaders In Training program below- exclusively for youth!
Leaders in Training (LIT) Program
Experience the fun of camp while learning leadership skills through our Leaders in Training (LIT) program! Work alongside an experienced educator to deliver camp programs this season. LIT's practice their skills by leading games, crafts and activities and shadowing education staff during camp programs. A hands-on opportunity to cultivate self-awareness, communication and cooperation skills all while getting community service hours.
What makes our Leaders in Training program so unique? A one-of-a-kind opportunity to participate in a 3 hour professional development session during an orientation day prior to your camp experience....with our horses! Working with our ponies and experienced trainers, LIT's complete activities with our ponies designed to help identify leadership styles, gain confidence and learn appropriate assertiveness. The orientation day is held on Friday June 27th from 10am-3pm. Cost is $75 per person (includes lunch).
Our Leaders in Training program is perfect for youth ages 15-17.
To get started, register using the button below, then submit a cover letter and resume to Irene Heaven, Cover letter should express why you'd like to take part in this program, as well as the camp(s) you'd like to assist with and the dates you're available. Please note that you must attend the orientation day to participate in our Leaders in Training Program.
Camps to choose from:
Fresh Air Tykes (ages 5-6): June 30-July 3; July 14-18; July 28-Aug 1; Aug 11-15
Outdoor Kids (ages 7-10): July 7-11; July 21-25; Aug 5-8; Aug 18-22.
Each camp week runs daily from 9:30am-4pm.